NAS-3/4-4A-ISO (152813) individual sub-base

Item number:


Com­plies to stan­dard ISO 5599-​1
Prod­uct weight [g] 1.260
Sup­port air con­trol con­nec­tion 12/14 G1/8
Pneu­matic con­nec­tion 2 G3/4
Pneu­matic con­nec­tion 4 G3/4
Pneu­matic con­nec­tion 1 G3/4
Pneu­matic con­nec­tion 3 G3/4
Pneu­matic con­nec­tion 5 G3/4
Con­nec­tion plate ma­te­r­ial alu­minium,
Fas­ten­ing type With through­way bores
Further information on OT-FESTO009817
Weight 1.260 g / pcs
Customs duty number 84819000
Manufacturer Festo

All data are to be understood as non-binding reference values! We do not assume liability for any data selection not confirmed in writing. Unless otherwise specified, pressure values refer to liquids from Group II at +20°C.
Immediately available